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Home Ec: Grade 8

Food Around the World

World Facts

Need a map for your assignment?. Get one online at Mapmaker Page maps from National Geographic.

image by WorldArtsMe

China and Chinese Food

International Recipe Websites

Food Cuisines: just click on the country, listed alphabetically

What's 4 Eats: international recipes and cooking around the world

FoodWine: global destinations and International recipes

Travel Food Atlas: unique and interesting food and recipes around the world

allrecipes Australia: browse global cuisine collections

bbcgoodfood cuisines: Classic recipes from around the world

Suggested Reading - some of the books available in our library

Foods and ingredients of international cuisines: websites

A to Z World Food: with sections on recipes, food culture and ingredients

Food in every Country: listed by countries from A to Z

National cuisines and the ingredients that make them distinctive (article from The Independent)

Foodbeast: Staple spices from 36 cuisines around the world

The ingredient that makes each global cuisine taste authentic (article from Quartz)


(c) Taroona High School, 2018