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Research: Initiate


What do you really need to find out?

You need to make sure that you understand the task well.

Develop key words

Keywords are the main words in the assignment topic that tell you what you need to find information about.

1.  Highlight keywords in assignment topic

2.  Brainstorm other words or phrases that have a similar meaning

3.  Use quotations around two or more words you want to keep together
     For example, “online shopping”, "child development"
4.  Use an asterisk at the end of a word to search for variations
     e.g. lead* = lead, leader, leadership
5.  Narrow or broaden your search by adding and taking away keywords

First up!

Before you start researching:

  • Collect all the information you already have: assignment question, work already done on the topic, notes
  • Check the due date, if there's a word count and information on how you will be marked or the rubric
  • Clarify any words in the assignment that you do not understand
  • Note the presentation format - essay, report, poster, oral presentation etc.
  • Ask your teacher if you need further clarification

Defining the Task - State Library of Victoria

For tips on understanding the question, generating questions, background reading and planning your research:

Task analysis: starting your assignments QUT Library

(c) Taroona High School, 2018